Choosing the Right Bicycle and Helmet for Your Child

Choosing the Right Bicycle and Helmet for Your Child

Every Christmas season, children around the world ask Santa Claus for a bicycle and parents search the Black Friday deals for the perfect bike. But how can you know which size bicycle and helmet will keep your child safe?

Tips to make sure your child’s bike fits them:

  • Do not push your child to ride a 2-wheeled bike until they are ready, at about age 5 or 6.
  • Take your child with you when you shop for the bike, so that they can try it out. The value of a properly fitting bike far outweighs the value of surprising your child with a new bike.
  • Buy a bike that is the right size, not one your child has to “grow into.” Oversized bikes are especially dangerous.

How to test any style of bike for proper fit:

  • Sitting on the seat with hands on the handlebar, your child must be able to place the balls of both feet on the ground.
  • Straddling the center bar, your child should be able to stand with both feet flat on the ground with about a 1-inch clearance between the crotch and the bar.
  • When buying a bike with hand brakes for an older child, make sure that the child can comfortably grasp the brakes and apply sufficient pressure to stop the bike.

Don’t forget a helmet!

A helmet should be standard equipment with your child’s bike. Whenever buying a bike, be sure you have a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)-approved helmet for your child that fits them correctly. Evidence shows that helmet use decreases head injuries and deaths related to bicycle vs. motor vehicle crashes.

How to make sure your child’s helmet fits correctly

  • The helmet should sit squarely on top of their head and cover the top of their forehead.
  • The helmet should sit parallel to the ground when your child’s head is upright.
  • The helmet fits well if it doesn’t move around slide down over your child’s eyes when it is pushed or pulled, or your child shakes their head.
  • The chin strap should be adjusted to fit snugly.
