COVID: Back to School Guidance 2021-22

COVID: Back to School Guidance 2021-22

What to do if a child reports a new Covid-19 diagnosis.

  1. Parents are advised to keep their children home and quarantine for 10 days from the onset of their symptoms OR 10 days from the date of their positive test if symptom free.
  2. The ill student can return to school and end isolation once the child is 10 days from the start of the symptoms, fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication), and additional symptoms are improving.

What to do if your child has been exposed to someone diagnosed or someone suspected to have Covid-19.

  1. Your child should stay home.
  2. The Covid-19 incubation period and the ideal time period to remain home continues to be 14 days after the last exposure. However, if 14 days is not practical, 10 days is acceptable if the following conditions are met: continue to monitor for symptoms daily through day 14, isolate immediately if symptoms develop, wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from others, wash hand frequently.
  3. If your child becomes symptomatic, have them evaluated by their healthcare provider and report to the school nurse immediately. Your child must isolate for 10 days after symptoms first appeared.

Per ADPH recommendations: A negative test result should never be accepted as an excuse to return to school if a child has been recommended to quarantine for an exposure.